This lovely place, located at the southern tip of Sweden, where from the beach you can see the Malmö bridge to Copenhagen, induces sleep. We were here earlier for midsummer with our good friends, after just arriving in Sweden for two days. We had barely unpacked our massive suitcases, we were off again after being in the Philippines for 2 months. Now, as our...
Above pic: My name, Althea, in runic form. At the National Museum Day 3 started out well. We had about 4 hours left from our ticket, and got on the hop-on-hop-off bus this time, heading for the palaces and planned to culminate it at free-town Christiania. The first stop was Amelienborg Castle, the Danish family’s royal residence in the winter. Amalienborg was originally built...
We had a late start on Day 2 in Copenhagen. We had a rough night and had a hard time sleeping because of the really soft bed (where you literally sink), it was somewhat warm and had to open the windows, and got woken up by various street sounds of cars, yelling, drunk people passing by, and of noisy construction early in the morning....
Every summer, I always travel elsewhere for my birthday (I’m a Leo, born July 25th. Rawr.). However, due to my MS, I’ve been avoiding the heat like a vampire, so I decided to stay and fully experience the onset of spring and the Swedish summer. I returned from the Philippines just last June and oh boy, it has been one packed summer. I’m so...
Me, lying there with the right half of my body numb and stiff: “How can you love me like this?” He gives me a kiss on my numb right cheek. His beard felt like sandpaper grating against my skin. “Because I love you before this.” — Above photo taken from the Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna,...